Celebrate with infinite love: The Universal Christmas Gift

The unique design jewellery collection inspired by the mathematical brilliance of the Möbius ribbon, represents a truly special gift for any special occasion of one's life.

CATEGORY: Exclusive Jewellery Henri Maillardet AUTHOR: Voice of Henri
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The most special gifts are the ones that symbolize more than just mere objects, but precious symbols of love and devotion, perpetuating our purest feelings to infinity and beyond.

Evergreen Christmas Gifts

Sometimes, even though certain events might be keeping us away from being close to our beloved ones, celebrating together the magic of Christmas, the symbol of giving is always bringing us a little closer. This year, Christmas gifts are catching a deeper and stronger meaning, giving us the chance to bring a spark of joy into the life of someone dear, from distance. 

The evergreen Christmas gifts are the ones that do not lose from the intensity of their meaning throughout the years, the ones that encapsulate an unforgettable story, a very strong emotion between two people. These forever living gifts are perpetuating the magic of the Christmas feeling, the joy of being close to our true ones and the blessing of the beautiful memories we share together.

The unique design jewellery collection inspired by the mathematical brilliance of the Möbius ribbon, represents a truly special gift for any special occasion of one’s life. The Möbius jewellery collection represents atemporality and the infinite uninterrupted paths of the universe that surrounds us, being the tridimensional motif of infinity. With Möbius rings and necklaces collection, gifting the symbol of eternity and the promise of forever is now possible.

Jewellery Designed to Express

What better way to celebrate infinite love, on a very special occasion, than the most unique design jewellery? The Möbius band-shaped jewellery collection has been specially designed to express the deepest and purest love emotions. This is all due its very deep association with unity and non-duality: two sides and two edges are joined and become one side and one edge, picturing a whole.

Looking at one Möbius bracelet, we have the impression there are two surfaces (interior and exterior). But actually there is only one: start your voyage on one side of your Möbius infinity jewellery and you will end up in the same place, after covering both sides of it, inside and outside. The same happens if you trace the edge, you will cover the full edge without moving from one side to the other.

The Möbius ribbon inspired jewellery collection is definitely designed to express and to impress by the purity and continuity of their infinite shape,visually perplexing one-sidedness and giving the impression of three different dimensions coming together as one: past, present and future.

Celebrate Infinite Love with Möbius

The most desirable attribute of love is infinity. From the beginning of our existence, we are chasing the real meaning of foreverness and eternal love, the strongest human bond that not even afterlife is able to separate. As the universe, love is beyond our capability of fully understanding, but we still dream about it and choose to picture it in our imagination.

Symbols of infinity and unity, the Möbius band-shaped jewelleries are depicting the concept of everlastingness, the uninterrupted paths of the universe. And they are perpetuating the complex relationship between time and space. All to represent a magic symbol of love to be offered.

Choose to express your feelings through the symbol of infinity by offering a one-of-a-kind piece of mastery jewellery that will join them into eternity and give them the feeling of being above the universe. Choose to celebrate your infinite love for your one and only and make the promise of forever with Möbius infinite jewellery.

DATE: 24.12.20 CATEGORY: Exclusive Jewellery Henri Maillardet AUTHOR: Voice of Henri


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